IHS 2024
46th meeting of the IHS
In Partnership with the ZOO KNOXVILLE
Time Zone
Eastern (ET)
Icebreaker 5:00pm -8:00pm (with vendor set-up during day)
9:10am: Opening of the IHS Conference: Remarks IHS President Myke Clarkson
9:30am- 10:30am: Keynote Speaker: Graham Reynolds, Ph.D, University of North Carolina "Boas of the West Indies: Ecology and Evolution of Enigmatic Island Snakes"
10:30am- 10:45am: Break
10:45am- 11:15am: Sam Perrett, Herp HQ "The Perfect Imperfect"
11:15am- 11:45am: Rachel Boehm, St. Louis Zoo "Care and reproduction of Protobothrops species at the Saint Louis Zoo"
11:45am- 12:00pm: Madeline R. Mann, Department of Biological Sciences Eastern Kentucky University "How a Salamander Gets its Spots: Predation Risk as a Carryover Effect on Aposematic Coloration in Ambystoma maculatum"
12:00pm- 1:30pm: LUNCH
1:30pm- 2:00pm: Jack Bugaj, St. Louis Zoo "Care of Ecuadorian Amphibians at the Saint Louis Zoo"
2:00pm- 2:40pm: Matt Gray Ph.D, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture,"A Healthier Trade for U.S. Pet Amphibians"
2:40pm- 3:10pm: Roger Carter, Hoosier Herp Society Knives, Swords, and Herpetological Art
3:10pm- 3:20pm: Break
3:20pm- 4:00pm: Kristen Wiley, Kentucky Reptile Zoo "Antivenom issues during the Pandemic"
4:00pm- 4:30pm: R. Davis Gunnin, Don Sundquist Center of Excellence in Paleontology "Appalachian Alligators and Giant Salamanders: Herpetofauna of the Five-Million-Year-Old Gray Fossil Site"
4:30pm- 4:50pm: Daniel Cabrera "Herping the Yucatan peninsula"
4:50pm- 5:10pm: Brady Mcgowan "Accessing Amazonia: A field report from a first timer in the Peruvian Amazon"
4:50pm- 5:00pm: Closing Remarks: IHS President Myke Clarkson
9:10am: Opening Remarks IHS President Myke Clarkson
9:15am- 9:45am: Jim Harrison & Kristen Wiley, Kentucky Reptile Zoo "Captive husbandry of the Cascavel, Crotalus d. terrificus"
9:45am- 10:15am: Wayne Hill, National Reptile Breeders Expo "Breeding the Nile softshell"
10:15am- 10:45am: Zac Loughman, West Liberty Univerity and Colubrid and Colubroid Radio "Naturalistic keeping strategies for North American Hognose Snakes"
10:45am- 11:00am: Break
11:00am- 11:30am: Roy Blodget, Wellspring Herpetoculture and Project Herpetoculture "Monkey Tailed Lizards husbandry"
11:30am- 12:00pm: Zach Brinks, Josh's Frogs "Frog On!: An Ethical Approach to Supplying a Growing Demand for Captive Bred Amphibians"
12:00pm- 1:00pm: LUNCH
1:00pm- 1:30pm: Chris Montross, Darkhorse Herpetoculture "Hidden Beauty: Natural History and Husbandry of Mangrove Salt Marsh Snakes (Nerodia clarkii compressicauda)
1:30pm- 2:00pm: Billy Sveen, "Captive equivalence as the minimal welfare standard for captivity managed herpetofauna"
2:00pm- 2:30pm: Ryan Dumas, "Coming Unhinged with Hingebacks- Captive Husbandry and Natural History of Home's Hingeback Tortoises (Kinixys homeana)
2:30pm- 2:40pm: Closing Remarks: IHS President Myke Clarkson
9:10am: Opening Remarks IHS President Myke Clarkson
9:30am- 10:30am: Vicky Poole, Fort Worth Zoo "Successful Gharial Breeding at The Fort Worth Zoo"
10:30am- 11:00am: Michael Ogle, Zoo Knoxville "Breeding Programs"
11:00am- 11:15am: Break
11:15am- 11:45am: Bob Ashley, Chiricahua Desert Museum "Rattlesnakes of the Sky Islands and the origins of the Chiricahua Desert Museum"
11:15am- 11:50am: Junior Herpetologist Winners: Russ Gurley
12-15 Age Group
Winner: Savannah Senopole - New Albany, Indiana
19-22 (NextGen Herpetologist)
Winner: Taryn Cornell - San Diego State University
Winner: Claudia Goss - Oklahoma State University
11:50am- 12:10pm: Myles Masterson, Virginia Tech "Exploring the Herpetofauna of Southeast Asia"
12:10pm- 1:30pm: LUNCH
1:30pm- 2:00pm: Dane Conley, "Unusual mortality in Faranciaerytrogramma associated with snake fungal disease in Virginia and North Carolina"
2:00pm- 2:45pm: Collegiate Speed Session: Justin Elden
Tyler Schwisow - West Liberty University "Thermal covariates associated with Plains Hognose Snakes (Heterodon nasicus) activity"
Brianne Light - West Liberty University "Beyond the Bask: How Thermal Preferences Affect Growth, Behavior, and Stress Levels in Hydrodynastes gigas"
Casey Cannon - West Liberty University "Courtship and Social Interactions in Captive Malayan Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii)"
2:45pm- 3:00pm: Break
3:00pm- 3:30pm: Brad Lock, Oklahoma City Zoo "Report on a long-term conservation in Guatemala for two of the most endangered species in the world, Heloderma charlesbogerti and Abronia campbelli; 20 years and counting"
3:30pm- 3:50pm: Devin Edmonds, Association Mitsinjo, Andasibe, Madagascar "Discovering the life history traits of poorly known frog species through a captive breeding program in Madagascar"
3:50pm- 4:00pm: Closing Remarks IHS President Myke Clarkson
Banquet Speaker- Dr. Bruce Means Islands in the Sky: The Herpetological Wonders of South America's Tepuis